Project Description

The proposed project goes beyond the state-of -the-art in two areas: from one side it creates innovative mobile wireless technology able to integrate and support socialization and daily activity monitoring services to improve the quality of life of elderly people outside the home and from the other hand it develops an innovative social community model stimulating the elderly to adopt and maintain a more independent and active lifestyle. The project aims the improvement of the elderly care challenge in Cyprus by taking into consideration the real needs of the elderly at a local level.

Specific scientific, technological and research innovation involve the following:

  • Development of highly innovative ICT based services making use of state-of-the-art mobile wireless technologies giving an answer to the research challenge of how ICT technologies can support in an efficient and effective manner the socialization and daily activity monitoring of the elderly at any time in an outdoor environment. The emphasis on the development of socialization and their integration with daily monitoring services making use of wireless sensors providing real time monitoring of user’s mobility and physical conditions make the proposed approach going beyond the state-of-the-art of existing elderly care developments not considering the socialization needs of the elderly specifically in an outdoor environment.

  • Development of an innovative social community model that places the elderly person in the centre of the services, making him both a consumer and producer of assistance, and actively promotes and provides all the means necessary for the active independent living of the elderly. It will encourage and support active participation, communication, socialization, mutual assistance and self-organization of the elderly, promoting seamless integration and interaction of different people (family members, caretakers, medical professionals, friends etc.) from all ages at any time and any place; To the best of our knowledge the implementation of such a social community model, giving the base of ICT services for elderly care, has not been investigated by current developments.

  • Creation of innovative knowledge in the area of personalized support for the elderly giving new insight in how integrated personalized ICT services can support day to day activities and improve quality of life for each one of the related stakeholders (that is, not only the elderly bus also their families, friends, etc.). Development of innovative ICT based models and techniques ensuring that each old person will have a unique personalized profile of disabilities and abilities, special needs and preferences promoting thus personalized care provision
  • Evaluation of the acceptance of the system by running the pilot and investigating whether a well designed elderly social environment supported by state-of-the art ICT can result in reduce demand for use of care services and consequent care cost savings.

  • Architecture
    Technologies used in the Melco system

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